Welcome to the Fireland Consultancy Associates members area.

If you are already an associate, please select your level of access below and continue to enter your details.
If you have forgotten your password, please contact us. Or if you would like further information and would like to become an associate, please contact us.

As a Fireland Associate you will have access to components of Fireland’s Fire Management Framework – a comprehensive range of fire and land management information and tools for your business or organisation. Documents range from data sharing, fire management policies and procedures, to job safety analyses, various forms/tools for field data collection and training resource kits. Access to these resources will enable you to standardise your approach to fire and land management, and optimise your capability in bushfire risk mitigation.
There are a number of levels of access available to associates as follows.


The benefits to your business or organisation in becoming a Fireland Associate include:

  • access to shared data and mapping
  • access to a contemporary framework of information that is regularly reviewed and updated
  • access to tried and tested processes and procedures that are standardised and best practice, thereby reducing your risk
  • your resources can be utilised for other matters and priorities.
If you would like further information or wish to register as a Fireland Associate, please contact us.